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Active Teaching is the new way ahead for teachers:

Earlier teaching seemed to be everyone’s cup of tea and was mainly limited to transferring knowledge from someone who had read well and or majored in that area. I remember a quote from Albert Camus: “Some people talk in their sleep. Lecturers talk while other people sleep.” Teaching now doesn’t limit to sharing knowledge, reading concepts, clearing doubts and testing the student finally. It goes well beyond all this. Do you agree?

Responsibility of a teacher has taken a huge leap in today’s education system. Information comes from everywhere now. With the resources available online teachers are compelled to explore alternatives and get better .They now not only need to teach the subject based on a set curriculum but they also need to act as an architect and plan ahead. They feel that the traditional methods no longer suits the current generation of students. Teachers now see a need to find an alternative way to connect with students and make sure that the matter delivered is well absorbed by them.

The communication between a teacher and a student has taken a different shape now with the existence of laptops and the internet. The use of blogs, video lectures and teacher-student portals have become increasingly popular platforms of communications. A teacher now needs to adapt to methods of teaching that create a learning environment that encourages positive social interactions, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation.

Moving a step ahead teachers now have also begun to share their lecture notes before class, after which the students need to upload their questions onto the website followed by a class discussion with the use of pictures, articles which serve as examples and active group discussion amongst the students making the classroom scenario as real as possible. These are few of the new techniques used by teachers to create a learning experience which makes various aspects of a subject matter meaningful for students.

Active teaching deeply engages the students in the learning/teaching endeavor by turning students into the real problem solvers. Which makes classroom learning as a real social experience? Share your thoughts with me if you think it does.

1 Comment
  • Avatar for Mala
    Posted at 05:32h, 31 January

    This is a wonderful step. Years have changed and with the advancement of technology, it has become very difficult for the teachers to connect with the students. These measures will surely be helpful for all the present-day teachers and their students.