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ALOHA Celebrates National Reading Month with 30 Day Family Challenge

ALOHA Celebrates National Reading Month with 30 Day Family Challenge

ALOHA Celebrates National Reading Month with a 30 Day Challenge for Families

ALOHA Encourages Families to Make Reading Together Daily a Treat for 30 Minutes for 30 Days.

EDISON, NJ, March 17, 2014 – ALOHA celebrates National Reading Month by encouraging8455045_l parents and extended families to enrich their child’s reading and lives with books for 30 minutes for 30 days.

Reading is a fundamental and critical life skills learned in school, which most take for granted because they are fluent readers. For thirty days set aside at least thirty minutes to read together.

“By incorporating reading into our daily schedule as a family we help our children expand their attention span and thrive,” said Mani Manickavelu, ALOHA Chief Executive Officer and President.

“It doesn’t matter whether the parents or older children read aloud to the family or each read silently. This family activity promotes the importance of reading and could also progress everyone’s reading skills. Even though we are honoring National Reading Month, at ALOHA we celebrate reading and math every day.”

ALOHA offers some suggestions.

  • Create an environment conducive to reading. Turn off the TV and all electronics.
  • Treat this as a special time. Turn on the fireplace if applicable. Serve cookies and milk.
  • Make a rule that everyone read.
  • Children under 5 years old can participate by reading picture books, which can be found at the local library in the children’s section. Ask a librarian for help.
  • Afterwards, parents should ask factual and inferential thought-provoking questions about what the children read. Ask, “Who are the characters? What are they like? What happened and why? Why do you think that character acted that way? How would you have reacted? What do you expect to happen next? What did you learn from the story? How would you have told it differently?”
  • Have them draw particular aspects of the story they read.
  • It is ALOHA’s hope to get more families reading together, talking about books, and advancing children’s literacy skills. For additional reading and literacy ideas visit the ALOHA Mind Math blog and News and Article page


The unique academic enrichment programs at ALOHA Centers help children 5 years-old through 12 years-old be the best they can be to get ahead in all academic areas. This interactive learning method promotes the development and engagement on both sides of the brain, designed for frustrated learners or high-achieving gifted students. Through instructor-led, small group tutoring sessions, children improve their focus, develop vital learning skills, as well as study and life skills, and advance their self confidence to excel in reading, math, language arts, and science, to ultimately persevere in the face of adversity to go after their dreams. Discover the genius in your child.

ALOHA Mind Math was founded in 1993 and introduced in the United States in 2006. ALOHA Mind Math continues to experience growth beyond their current presence in 18 states, 23 countries, and 4,200 locations worldwide. To learn more about ALOHA, the mind math program, reading/writing programs, or to schedule an orientation at a center near you visit

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