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Do you see your Kids being an Entrepreneur?

Most school systems and parents today are raising their kids to become a lawyer, doctor or Engineer. Isn’t it time for parents to give entrepreneurship an equal stand among-st all the options. Children are taught in school to go with the flow and follow the rules. They are programmed to learn and memorize facts instead of becoming independent thinkers. If kids are taught entrepreneurial concepts at school and home along with other subjects then there will be solutions to almost all the problems that exist today.The idea is to teach the kid to fish rather than giving them the fish.

“It’s all about shaping the child’s behavior,” says Dr. Andrea Vazzana, clinical assistant professor of child psychiatry at New York University Langone’s Child Study Center. “Social emotional skills are important and the earlier you can help a child with them, the better.” As a parent, you inspire entrepreneurship by fostering the emotional skills your child will need, such as comfort with risk, effective problem solving, and a positive attitude toward failure.

Few points to nurture the entrepreneurial nature of your kids are :

Teach them NOT TO WASTE MONEY, As everyone works very hard to make a penny this helps them understand the value for money and money management.

STOP ALLOWANCES: Entrepreneurs can’t expect a regular paycheck, allowances breeds them to get used to getting a paycheck every month leading them to get job oriented instead they need to come up with ideas to earn their money.

DON’T SET A FIXED PRICE PER JOB DONE: While you teach your kids to earn their pocket money/allowances through running your errands you need to teach them to NEGOTIATE the price you’re willing to pay them.

DON’T HAVE A REGULAR CHECKLIST OF JOBS TO BE DONE: This way you’re teaching your kids to find new opportunities and will build in  them the quality of “ASKING”.

Teach your kids to divide their saving into parts INVEST, SPEND, DONATE and SAVE.

DON’T TELL THEM STORIES: Teach your kids to tell you stories this helps them to build on their communication skills, public speaking ability and which in turn will teach them “HOW TO SELL”.

Most important DON’T LET THEM EVER GIVE UP: Teach your kids to learn from failures.

Entrepreneurship forces children to think “outside of the box,” create unique solutions, and lead others. This will make your children leaders at an early age, and it will result in more income, opportunities, and self-confidence, in their lives and others as they will become employers and not an employee.

I would like to share this video on Entrepreneurs can change the world by Grasshopper with you’ll and I am eager to hear about your views and stories about kid’s becoming entrepreneurs.

Aloha Mind Math nurtures the qualities of young entrepreneurs through their abacus and reading/writing courses. Learn more about them at

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