05 Dec Have you noticed how quickly kids adapt to new technology? – Aloha Mind Math
This inspiring article about Ethiopian kids teaching themselves using tablet computers brings out an interesting point. You must have noticed with our kids at home too, about how easily they take to a new gadget or a new technology. I personally feel my 4-year-old figures out how to play games on the iPod faster than I do! Here are a few thoughts as to why that’s the case:
No fear: Confront an adult with a new gadget, and enthusiasm is mixed with a bit of hesitation too, about if they might do something foolish or wrong. Put a kid in the same situation too, and they couldn’t care less about making mistakes or what anyone might think – they just go ahead and have fun. This automatically improves their aptitude for new technology.
Ability to learn:As adults, we tend to get a bit comfortable with what we know, but kids are learning something new all the time. This is why they might beat us at an activity like this, and of course as parents we are happy to feel proud about losing at it.
- http://www.flickr.com/photos/56155476@N08/6660091767/
Everything is digital: Our kids are used to seeing us flip through a magazine on the iPad rather than read it in its actual form. The digital space therefore becomes second nature to them, and not at all tough to approach and get used to. The present generation of parents, though very comfortable with technology, still tend to treat it as something “new” and that sets the tone for our reactions.
Earlier and better: Our babies learn about multi-touch by instinct and treat even the latest “revered” gadget as just another toy. They are not interested in how expensive or trendy something is, just about how they can entertain themselves with it. This simple approach is the best in this situation.
This is one area in which we could definitely learn a lot from our kids, and get to experience the fun of new gadgets by experiencing the child in us.
One versatile gadget, which is not all that new, but is a great way to ignite curiosity in your child, is the Abacus. See our website for more details on how our programs at Aloha can be helpful for your kids: http://www.aloha-usa.com
Verbraucherschutz: Ratgeber zur Online-Sicherheit für Jugendliche | Andre Eger
Posted at 16:34h, 12 January[…] Ihr Gehirn ist schneller in der Anpassung an neue Technologien als das ihrer Eltern, was zu Schwierigkeiten führen kann, da sie erkennen, dass das Internet längst nicht nur Sonnenschein ist, und das Problem lauert an jeder Ecke. Eltern müssen helfen, ihre Kinder über die Gefahren des Internets aufzuklären, und der beste Weg, das zu tun, ist, sich selbst darüber zu informieren, was sie über die Online-Sicherheit wissen und was nicht. […]