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How To Learn Mental Math The Easy Way

Helping kids understand simple arithmetic facts can go a long way in building their mental skills. Children go through rapid cognitive development, especially between the ages of three and seven. Assisting them in solving the fundamental problems mentally enhances their mental math fluency. An abacus math program can train your kids in ways that will leave you surprised and amazed. 

How Abacus Training Improves Your Kid’s Mental Math

Before you go on to search for abacus class nearby to enroll your kids, you should know what it’s about. If someone asks you to calculate 7674+1638, would you be able to solve it on the spot? You would probably look for a calculator or your smartphone. But a six-year-old who’s been trained in abacus can solve it without any tangible help. 

Here is how learning abacus boosts your child’s mental math skills:

  • Getting your kids enrolled in an abacus math program from the beginning helps them have a clear perception of the basic mathematical concepts. The visuals enable a kid to understand the abstract concepts of math better. 
  • The use of pen and paper to solve mathematical problems uses the left side of the brain. However, abacus learning engages the right side of the brain, which is associated with creativity and logical thinking to act. 
  • With time, kids start to visualize mathematical problems in the form of an abacus operation in their minds, making them think logically about their moves to solve them. 
  • It has been scientifically proven that kids who received abacus training in their initial years have greater concentration levels than those who didn’t. 

Enroll your kids in an abacus math program today and witness the change for yourself!