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Aloha Walnut Creek, CA

1615 Bonanza Street | Walnut Creek CA 94596 | 925-448-7167 |

Streaming Mind Math

Your child can practice visual math in a small group of similar aged learners led by an instructor. For children ages 5 through 12. Your child will learn to use an abacus as well as mental math techniques. Students will develop agility with numbers, acquire visualization skills and improve concentration and focus. Your child will broaden his or her understanding of math and realize that they too can be math rockstar! Abacus and workbook included.


3-5 Years

3-5 years old is a period of rapid – and critical – development for your child. Our Tiny Thinkers program introduces them to spatial relations, measurements and basic geometry.


5-7 Years

Between the ages of 5 to 7, children experience a rapid change in both mental and cognitive skills. We help unlock their ``whole brain`` potential in math, reading and writing.

7-12 Years

Between the ages of 7-12, your child is ready to blast off! Our advanced Mind Math training and Reading|Writing program lays the foundation for lifelong academic success.

Our Programs


ALOHA Tiny Thinkers

Our flagship program for introducing math to 3-5 year old children, your child will learn basic numbers, counting and measurement, through hands-on activities and personalized guidance.



ALOHA Champ is your five year-old's first step into a life of reading and writing. We cover simple words and stories. along with vocabulary, spelling & writing skills.


Mind Math Junior

Designed for 5-7 year-old children, the focus of the class is our innovative Abacus Methodology. Your child will learn how to quickly perform mental arithmetic.


Mind Math Senior

The next step in our innovative Abacus Methodology. Your child will learn how to mentally perform complex arithmetic quickly and accurately.


Reading | Writing

We help 6-12 year-old children to build the writing skills that are so critical in their academic career, this class develops proper grammar and strong reading and writing skills.

What Our Clients Are Saying…

Give your child a head start!

Enroll in ALOHA Today.