Book An Appoinment

Reading as important as Math

Reading as important as Math

Reading as important as Math in the development of our children.

English: Library Aides for Read Across America

English: Library Aides for Read Across America (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

There is a national reading week in America that, this year focused on Dr. Seuss and his March 2 birthday. Read Across America week finishes up on March 7, but at ALOHA we celebrate reading every day.

March also featured World Book Day with more than 100 countries across the globe celebrating the day.

While our focus at ALOHA seems like it is on math and the abacus, we have reading and writing programs at our centers that encourage our students to be better readers, as well as, writers.  Many of our students have won awards for their writing skills and one student was published in a national publication.

If you can read, you can teach yourself almost anything.  What have you done to help your child be a better reader?

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