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Spring is here!!

Spring is here!!

It’s finally time to say bye to winters and the cold, its time to move out from indoors to outdoors. With the sun and warm long days this surely is the most beautiful season of the year for me. It wakes up Mother Nature, the trees bring new leaves, new grass grows out on the lawns and the entire Nature becomes green and fresh looking. Flowers of different colors begin to bloom. It all is beautiful with birds humming and signing away in great joy.  With the pleasant breeze and clear sky, Nature joyfully announces, “The spring is here!”

During this time of the year kids mostly prefer to go out and play outdoor games, So parents its time you put on your thinking caps and come up with a long list of activities for them ato make the most of this season. I know with busy schedules its difficult to come up with a list, so here are few activities you could use to bring that bright big smile on your child’s face this spring.

A walk in the evening will surely help you stay fit and get your children to learn about different birds .Try to spot birds and go back read about them to your kids.

With so much said about the weather you must take advantage of it, right?  You and your kids should try and make a wind catcher or wind chimes.

Explore nature, Kids love taking long adventurous walks get them to pick flowers, rocks and help them build their own flower pots.

Put together a scavenger hunt, that will give your children an opportunity to learn and use their observation skills, through this outdoor hunt, you can also mix in some great science and nature lessons for kids giving them an unforgettable learning experience.

I am going to make the most of this spring walking through the gardens and spending time with family and friends at the state parks close to me. Hope you do the same and give your eyes a treat to wonderful colors and freshness out there.

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