STOP Bullying. It’s NOT Cool

STOP Bullying. It’s NOT Cool

We all have experienced bullying in some way but with time this has only gotten worse. Some stats that I came across estimates that about 160,000 children miss school every day due to the fear of attack or intimidation by other students and a shocking ratio of  1 in every 7 students is a victim or a bully(Source: National Education Association). Hasn’t this got bad enough?

Bullying creates an irreparable impact mentally and sometimes physically also. This activity also leads to very serious health issue and whose effects last well into adulthood. As always said Prevention is better than Cure. It’s time all parents protect their kids from this as we don’t want to regret when the damage is irreparable.

Prevention efforts can strengthen protective factors in a child’s life. You could probably start focusing on some factors like:

The child’s individual characteristic: It’s very important to recognize and reinforce your kid’s accomplishments and abilities as self-esteem, competencies, and skills are characteristics that “protect” a child.

Close parent-child relationships: When families can talk openly, kids can talk about their problems more easily.

Building discipline: It’s vital to build clear, consistent discipline and without being too extreme or physical. This helps kids understand that certain behaviors, like bullying and substance use, are unacceptable and that there are consequences for those actions.

Parent supervision and involvement:  It is very important for a parent to get to know their children’s friends, as this can surely help kids avoid behavioral problems by making wise decisions about the company he or she keeps.

As you start I am sure you can add to the list above but we need to bring about a change in this and deal with the issue and there is no better place to start than your own home.

If any of you would be interested there are many conferences and training session held across the country you must check them out. To conclude I would like to share with you’ll interesting site I would follow


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