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Top 5 Warning Signs a Child is Struggling in School and Needs Help

Top 5 Warning Signs a Child is Struggling in School and Needs Help

ALOHA Mind Math’s top 5 warning signs indicate a child’s learning could be suffering. It is important for parents to act quickly upon these signs.

EDISON, NJ, February 20, 2014 – According to ALOHA Mind Math, report cards are not thestruggling in school only signs a child needs help in school. Throughout the school year look for subtle and obvious signals that can indicate their learning is suffering and they are struggling in school.

1. Is the child’s morning routine draining for parents and/or the family?

If there is a drastic attitude or energy change then it is likely that something is wrong.

2. Has the child’s interest in school changed?

If the child used to enjoy school and suddenly turned to dislike a particular subject, teacher, or school overall, then this is another strong indicator that they are struggling or having some type of difficulties in school.

3. Has the frequency and amount of homework lessened?

Rarely do teachers not require daily homework, projects, or tests.  In the early years of education children had less homework, but skills increase with each grade, which can be a difficult concept for some children to grasp.

4. Is their school work performance degrading or unknown?

Since the curriculum compounds upon each lesson or grade level, if a child does not understand or can apply the basic concepts then they will struggle. Or, if they grasp the basics but as each unit or grade level progresses so do the curriculum and requirements.

5. Does the child not want to talk about school and become irritated when doing assignments?

There could be several reasons. The child could be bullied or uncomfortable in social settings. The loss of interest could come from not being challenged enough in the classroom. Or, it could that the child has difficulty focusing.

Children need continuous enrichment and encouragement to stimulate their mind. Below are five strategies for dealing with such challenges.

Be Proactive.

  1. Keep them on a regular sleep schedule. Together select clothes and plan breakfast the night before. Sometimes this is all that is necessary. If not, discuss what is bothering them.

  2. If their attitude or energy around school dramatically changes then look into it. Call the teacher.

  3. Instead of waiting for the report cards to put the writing on the wall, regularly review homework and projects together.

  4. If the child comes home without, or little homework, call their teachers to double check. Daily check assignments on the school’s website.

  5. Gently discuss their struggles with the teacher, subjects, homework, or classmates. If the child excels and is bored with school find an educational program to enrich and expand upon their creativity or academic excellence. If the child has focus issues consult the school.

About ALOHA Mind Math

The unique academic enrichment programs at ALOHA Mind Math Centers help children 5 years-old through 12 years-old be the best they can be to get ahead in all academic areas. This interactive learning method promotes the development and engagement on both sides of the brain, designed for frustrated learners or high-achieving gifted students. Through instructor-led, small group tutoring sessions, children improve their focus, develop vital learning skills, as well as study and life skills, and advance their self confidence to excel in reading, math, language arts, and science, to ultimately persevere in the face of adversity to go after their dreams. Discover the genius in your child.

ALOHA Mind Math was founded in 1993 and introduced in the United States in 2006. ALOHA Mind Math continues to experience growth beyond their current presence in 18 states, 23 countries, and 4,200 locations worldwide. To learn more about ALOHA Mind Math reading program, math program, and language arts programs, or to schedule an orientation at a center near you visit

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